Monday, March 22, 2010

Download Mozilla from DOS

In case IE is corrupt and we are not able to download firefox through FTP from windows, Follow these steps to download Mozilla through DOS prompt :-

1. Click Start --> Run --> Type cmd ---> Click OK. This will open command prompt

2. Type ftp Press Enter. It will show you a bunch of writing below and in the last line it will ask you to type username.

3. Type anonymous & press Enter.

4. In the next line, it will ask you for password. Type your email address here. (Note:- While typing your email address, you will not see anything. Also the cursor will not move from its position, but still keep on typing and press Enter).

5. It will show you Login Successful & in the next line it will give you ftp> prompt.

6. Type cd pub/ & hit Enter.

7. In the next line, it will show Directory successfully changed & give you ftp> prompt again.

8. Type binary & hit Enter. It will show Switching to binary mode in the next line.

9. In the next line, once again type binary & hit Enter. It will again show Switching to binary mode in the next line.

10. Type lcd c:\ & hit Enter. It will now show Local directory now C:\

11. Type get mozilla-win32-1.8a1-installer.exe & hit Enter.

12. In the next line, it will show PORT command successful. Opening binary mode data connection. It means, you have to wait, the download started.

13. After sometime the download will finish and show you File send OK & you will be back on ftp> prompt.

14. Open MyComputer>>Local Drive C:\ and look for the firefox installer, double click to install it.